Peer Reviews

ExamWorks Group provides Peer Review and Radiology Reviews through a diverse doctor panel composed largely of ABMS® Board Certified physicians. Our physicians are experienced in addressing the complex medical issues that arise in both litigated and non-litigated claims. The reviews are provided by doctors whose medical specialty is relevant to the claim. The reviews include examination of causal relationships, the necessity of medical services, treatment and supplies as well as diagnostic testing. Unbiased, informed and timely evidence-based medical opinions that address a claimant's condition are rendered. These reviews of medical records and diagnostic studies guide the handling of claims to facilitate their fair and proper handling.

The ExamWorks Group Peer Review process is used to garner an unbiased opinion and may be used to address the following issues:

1. Reasonableness and appropriateness;

2. Medical necessity of care;

3. Causality; and

4. Mitigating conditions with relevant associated and degenerative conditions.

The ExamWorks Group Radiology Review renders an opinion as to the veracity of a previously interpreted diagnostic study. ExamWorks Group has a panel of ABMS® Board Certified radiologists that analyze the original diagnostic opinion. These opinions are a prudent and cost-effective way to insure that the claimant's condition is properly understood so that insurance carriers and legal counsel can provide apt and fitting solutions to claims.

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